

New year, new look


We are pleased to announce some important updates to our journal's policies and procedures. We have made changes to optimize our publishing process and elevate the quality of the articles we publish. These changes reflect our commitment to fostering clarity in scientific writing and ensuring that readers can easily access the content of each article in English and Spanish. These updates improve not only the quality of each article, but also the experiences of Ciencias Marinas readers and authors.

Special Issue XII CMAC - III CPAC


We are pleased to announce that Ciencias Marinas will be publishing a special issue featuring selected papers from the XII Congreso Mexicano de Arrecifes Coralinos and III Congreso Panamericano de Arrecifes Coralinos. In collaboration with CM’s Co-Editors in Chief, this special issue will be guest-edited by Georgina Ramírez-Ortiz (UNAM), Horacio Pérez-España (UV), Luis Malpica-Cruz (UABC), and José Alberto Zepeda-Domínguez (UABC). Deadline for Submissions: June 17, 2024.