Chemical composition and some biological activities of marine algae collected in Tunisia
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The chemical composition and some biological properties of four algae (Ulva rigida, Codium bursa, Cystoseira barbata, and Ceramium diaphanum) collected from the Gabes Gulf area (Tunisia) were examined. Ash (11.35–29.08% weight/dry weight [w/dw]) and total sugar (13.20–18.70% w/dw) were the most abundant contents in these algae. Protein contents were moderate (5.03–14.00% w/dw), with the red alga (C. diaphanum) having the highest value. Lipid contents were within the range mentioned for seaweeds (less than 3% w/dw). Saturated fatty acids occurring at the highest proportions were C16:0 (24.53–41.37%) and C12:0 (10.37–24.44%). The most abundant monounsaturated fatty acid was C18:1n-9 (21.74–54.22%), whereas the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid was C18:2n-6 (9.57–11.71%). Variations in chemical composition can be attributed to both environmental and genetic differences among species. All algal extracts displayed antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus simulans (inhibition diameter: 10–25 mm), antioxidant activity (radical scavenging activity: 0.8–23%), and anti-inflammatory activity (48–61% inhibition of the phospholipase A2 activity); therefore, the marine algae examined can be considered abundant resources of bioactive molecules.
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