Changes in the macrobenthos of a sandy beach during "El Niño" 1997-98 in the Malaga Bay, Colombian Pacific
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Changes in the macrobenthic community of a sandy-beach were studied during the "El Niño" 1997-98 event at the Malaga Bay, in the central Colombian Pacific. Species composition was recorded monthly from October 1997 to May 1998 at four tidal levels, and species diversity (Shannon-Wienner, H') and richness were calculated. In order to analyze community structure changes, multivariate ordinations were performed (non-metric multidimensional scaling) and species responsible for the observed temporal changes were discriminated using a dissimilarity index. Differences in species diversity and richness were related to a seriation pattern in vertical species distribution . A common pattern of structure change was found at four tidal levels on the beach. Population reduction or increase of some species and vertical modifications of the spatial distribution patterns were the main source of temporal community change.
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