Biological aspects and habitat use of the Panama brief squid, Lolliguncula panamensis, captured in the Gulf of California
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The biological aspects, size, weight, and reproductive indicators of the Panama brief squid were analyzed. A total of 2,354 individuals caught during 7 exploratory fishing cruises and 5 sampling events in bays in the Gulf of California from 2014 to 2017 were studied. The individuals were grouped by system: coastal fronts (fishing cruises for jumbo squid, shrimp, hake, and small pelagics) and coastal lagoons (Agiabampo, Yavaros, Tóbari, Lobos, and Las Guásimas Bays). In the coastal fronts 1,687 individuals were sampled (44.2% females, 25.7% males, and 30.1% unsexed), and in the coastal lagoons 667 individuals (59.7% females, 36.7% males, and 3.6% unsexed), with females being the most abundant in both ecosystems. Females were most abundant in sizes >60 mm mantle length (ML), while males were most abundant in sizes >60mm mantle length (ML), while males were most abundant in sizes <60mm ML. Negative allometric growth was evidenced for both sexes (b = 2.59). Mean size at first maturity (LM50) showed that females matured at larger sizes than males, and the frequency of gonad development stages by system showed that the immature stages were the most frequent in both sexes. The sex ratio was 1.7F:1.0M. According to our results, the Panama brief squid inhabits both systems, the coastal fronts and the lagoons, with mature males using coastal lagoons to pass sperm packets to immature females during mating and females then moving to coastal fronts to mature and spawn.
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