Contribution to the knowledge of the malacological fauna of four costal lagoons in the state of Sonora, Mexico
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A study was conducted on the malacological fauna of four coastal lagoons in Sonora, Mexico: El Sargento, Santa Rosa, La Cruz and El Soldado. The study covers aspects of species composition and diversity in the four lagoons, as well as qualitative observations of eight commercially important species: Chione gnidia, Chione fluctifraga, Chione californiensis, Chione subrugosa, Anudara grandis, Megapitaria squalida, Megapitaria aurantiaca and Glycimeris gigantea. A total of 102 species of 75 genera were identified, 60 of which were gastropods, 37 pelecypods, 4 polyplacophores, 1 scaphopod and 1 aplacophore. The greatest diversity was found in El Soldado Lagoon and the lowest in La Cruz Lagoon.
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