A note on upper ocean temperature and salinity at the entrance to the gulf of californiain august 1992
Contenido principal del artículo
Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) reportan los resultados de mediciones hidrográficas realizadas en la entrada del Golfo de California en agosto de 1992. Durante ese crucero, el CTD se encontraba calibrado inadecuadamente, teniendo como resultado mediciones anómalas de altas temperaturas y bajas salinidades. Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) incorrectamente atribuyeron estas condiciones anómalas al fenómeno El Niño de 1991- 1993 y a la tormenta tropical Lester.
Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) report results of hydrographic measurements at the entrance to the Gulf of California in August 1992. During this cruise, the CTD was improperly calibrated, and this resulted in anomalously high (low) near-surface temperatures (salinities) being reported. Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) incorrectly attribute these anomalous surface conditions to the 1991-1993 El Niño and tropical storm Lester.
Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) report results of hydrographic measurements at the entrance to the Gulf of California in August 1992. During this cruise, the CTD was improperly calibrated, and this resulted in anomalously high (low) near-surface temperatures (salinities) being reported. Fernández-Barajas et al. (1994) incorrectly attribute these anomalous surface conditions to the 1991-1993 El Niño and tropical storm Lester.
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Cómo citar
Navarro-Olache, L., Mascarenhas-Jr, A., Durazo, R., & Collins, C. (1997). A note on upper ocean temperature and salinity at the entrance to the gulf of californiain august 1992. Ciencias Marinas, 23(2), 273–284. https://doi.org/10.7773/cm.v23i2.788
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