Composition, abundance and specific richness of fishes from Concepcion Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico
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Studies of composition, abundance and specific richness of fishes caught in Concepción Bay, B.C.S., were carried out during 1987. A total of 822 organisms from 30 families, 50 genera and 59 species were analysed. The total biomass was 440.62 kg. Nine species were dominant: Nematistius pectoralis, Kiphosus elegans, Gerres cinereus, Scomberomorus concolor, Calamus brachysomus, Scomberomorus sierra, Haemulon steindachneri, Trachinotus rhodopus and Mugil cephalus. The study area has different habitats and a great richness. A list of 212 species from Concepción Bay based on 1944-1992 bibliography is presented.
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