Published: 2012-11-27

Evaluation of the Gulf of California as a potential source of bioactive marine actinobacteria

M Torres-Beltrán, F Cardoso-Martínez, N Millán-Aguiñaga, A Becerril-Espinosa, IE Soria-Mercado


Effects of sulfide concentration, pH, and anoxia on photosynthesis and respiration of Zostera marina

LK Korhonen, V Macías-Carranza, R Abdala, FL Figueroa, A Cabello-Pasini


Analysis of feeding behavior and food consumption rate of Atlantorchestoidea brasiliensis (Crustacea: Talitridae)

V Gomes Veloso, I Azevedo Sallorenzo, WK Andrade Barros, G Neves de Souza


Spatial, diel, and seasonal changes in the fish community structure of a Mexican tropical estuary

R Zárate-Hernández, M Castillo–Rivera, L Sanvicente–Añorve, S Ortiz–Burgos
