Allelic and genotypic variation of leucine-aminopeptidase (Lap-2) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) in Procambarus clurkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae), acclimated at different temperatures and exposed to thermal hardening

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F Correa-S
F Díaz-H
E Sierra-U
LF Bückle-R
B Barón-S
D Rodríguez-C


 In this study, the allozymic and genotypic variation of leucine-aminopeptidase (Lap-2) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) in Procambarus clarkii from Baja California is analyzed, under different thermic conditions. The repeated exposure of the organisms to the critica1 thermal maximum (CTMax) did not show a hardening response. However, there are differences in the allelic and genotypic frequencies of Lap-2 and Pgm among the organisms acclimated at 20 and 33°C and the field population. On the other hand, the frequencies of the heterozygote genotypes of Lap-2 and Pgm are higher in the final CTMax of 20 and 33°C compared to the field population. These results show a variation in the allozymic and genotypic frequencies which are determined by the effect of temperature on P. clarkii. Also observed is a selection in favor of the heterozygote organisms in the CTMax.


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How to Cite
Correa-S, F., Díaz-H, F., Sierra-U, E., Bückle-R, L., Barón-S, B., & Rodríguez-C, D. (1998). Allelic and genotypic variation of leucine-aminopeptidase (Lap-2) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) in Procambarus clurkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae), acclimated at different temperatures and exposed to thermal hardening. Ciencias Marinas, 24(3), 283–294.
Research Article
