At CM we support research integrity and discourage unethical practices and research misconduct by editors, reviewers, and authors. All contributions must be original papers. Plagiarism, duplicate publication, redundant publication, falsification and fabrication, and inappropriate figure manipulation are strongly discouraged. If such unaccepted malpractices are suspected in a submission at any stage of the editorial process or after publication, we will take actions necessary and even decline the submission or retract already-published material. When you submit a paper to CM, you are expected to abide by standard publication ethics.
For more information on publication ethics and research integrity, you may consult the Committee on Publication Ethics (also known as COPE) and the CSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications.



Originality means that the submission has not been published elsewhere except in the form of an abstract or as part of a lecture or an academic thesis. Submitting uncredited material that is not your own is unaccepted. We briefly describe plagiarism and self-plagiarism, but more detailed information can be found in the CSE's White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications and the COPE website.
Plagiarism is the act of taking and using someone else’s work, be it wording, figure, table, data, or other materialized idea, without authorization and without granting rightful attribution. Self-plagiarism (also duplicate publication) is the act of republishing material without acknowledgment of the original source. Any form of plagiarism is inadmissible for CM publications. All manuscripts accepted for publication will be screened for duplicity before publication. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarized material may be declined at any stage during the publication process, even after acceptance. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the published paper will be retracted. In any case involving plagiarized material, it is our ethical obligation to notify the author’s institution and any other party being compromised. As of 2019, all CM papers will carry a seal guaranteeing the manuscript was screened for duplicity.


Falsification and fabrication

Falsification and fabrication are forms of research misconduct that will not be tolerated in any way. Detection of such misconduct will be notified to the corresponding authorities, and the manuscript can be rejected or, if already published, retracted.

Animal welfare

We advocate for zero unnecessary use of animals in research and for ethical use in studies where the advancement of science calls for the use of animals. Editors may request permissions or evidence of author adherence to the 3Rs principles for use of animals in research. For more on the 3Rs principles, we refer you to the following reads: National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (2019) and the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (2015).


Competing interests

Authors are asked to send a statement clearing any potential conflict of interest regarding their manuscript. Potential conflicts of interest must be resolved before publication. You must let the editor know of any competing interest (e.g., financial support that may have influenced your research, potential reviewers that could be involved in any way in your research). The editor may contact you and any conflicting or influential party to resolve any interest dispute. If you have no competing interests to declare, you must state this in your manuscript. Declarations of competing interests may be published in the corresponding paper.



Authors are the individuals who created the reported work and are publicly accountable for it. By created we mean designing and conducting the study and/or interpreting the results. Individuals warrant authorship when they have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the study and the manuscript. Give authorship to those who have the merit and as they merit.
Avoid granting authorship to individuals who did not make a considerable input to the paper. Guest authorship (attributing authorship to an individual who does not merit the title) and ghost authorship (not crediting as author an individual who merits the title) are unethical practices that are strongly discouraged. Editing a figure does not merit authorship. You may credit individuals who made some contribution (e.g., data collecting, text or figure editing, providing study material, etc.), but not so much as to warrant authorship, in the acknowledgments section. For more on authorship, see the CSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications.
The contribution made by each person credited as author must be stated in a letter. The order in which the authors are listed in the original submission should remain unchanged. Any change in this order must be done under a formal written request to the editor-in-chief. This request must explain the reasons for the change and must be signed by all contributing authors.


Report an issue

If you are concerned with or suspect any issue regarding publication ethics, please contact us:

Journal editor:

Journal manager: