Genetic and morphometric analysis of Chione californiensis and C. subimbricata (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from the Mexican East Pacific and Gulf of California
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Con el objetivo de caracterizar genética y morfométricamente algunas poblaciones de Chione californiensis y C. subimbricata de las costas del Golfo de California y el Pacífico bajacaliforniano, se realizaron electroforesis de alozimas en 23 sistemas enzimáticos y análisis morfométricos con 14 caracteres de la valva izquierda. Los análisis alozímicos revelaron un grado de heterocigosidad mayor a 40% en todas las poblaciones y debido a que algunos loci se desviaron significativamente de la Ley de Hardy-Weinberg, se plantea que se encuentran en desequilibrio. El indice de fijación para las poblaciones de C. californiensis indicó poca estructuración genética (FST = 0.045, Nm = 0.363) debido a que el flujo genético está limitado por la ubicación y las condiciones geográficas de las localidades en donde se recolectaron las poblaciones estudiadas. La distancia genética de Nei agrupó a las dos poblaciones más sureñas de C. californiensis y corroboró la relación sistemática de esta especie respecto a C. subimbricata. El análisis morfométrico logró evidenciar diferencias intra e interpoblacionales, así como también la relación sistemática entre ambas especies. Se identificaron seis variables morfométricas que contribuyeron en mayor medida a esta diferenciación y se obtuvieron distancias morfométricas de Mahalanobis que reflejaron diferencias en la morfometría de las dos poblaciones de C. californiensis del Golfo de California y la población del Pacífico. Los resultados generados en ambos tipos de análisis respaldaron la agrupación de estas especies dentro del subgénero Chione propuesto por Keen (1971).
For the genetic and morphometric characterization of three populations of Chione californiensis and one of C. subimbricata from the Pacific Baja California and Gulf of California coastlines (Mexico), allozyme electrophoresis was performed in 23 enzymatic systems and 14 morphometric characters were analyzed. The allozymic analysis indicated a heterozygosity of more than 40% in all the populations and since some loci deviated significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg law, disequilibrium is proposed. The fixation index for the populations of C. californiensis showed little genetic structure (FST = 0.045, Nm = 0.363) because gene flow is limited by the location and geographic conditions of the sites from where they were collected. Nei|00E2|??s genetic distance grouped the two southernmost populations of C. californiensis and corroborated the systematic relationship of this species with C. subimbricata. The discriminant function analysis revealed intra- and interpopulation differences, as well as the systematic relationship between both species. Six morphometric variables were identified that contributed most to this differentiation and the Mahalanobis morphometric distances indicated differences in the morphometry of the two C. californiensis populations from the Gulf of California and the population from the Pacific. The results generated by both analyses support the inclusion of these species within the subgenus Chione proposed by Keen (1971).
For the genetic and morphometric characterization of three populations of Chione californiensis and one of C. subimbricata from the Pacific Baja California and Gulf of California coastlines (Mexico), allozyme electrophoresis was performed in 23 enzymatic systems and 14 morphometric characters were analyzed. The allozymic analysis indicated a heterozygosity of more than 40% in all the populations and since some loci deviated significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg law, disequilibrium is proposed. The fixation index for the populations of C. californiensis showed little genetic structure (FST = 0.045, Nm = 0.363) because gene flow is limited by the location and geographic conditions of the sites from where they were collected. Nei|00E2|??s genetic distance grouped the two southernmost populations of C. californiensis and corroborated the systematic relationship of this species with C. subimbricata. The discriminant function analysis revealed intra- and interpopulation differences, as well as the systematic relationship between both species. Six morphometric variables were identified that contributed most to this differentiation and the Mahalanobis morphometric distances indicated differences in the morphometry of the two C. californiensis populations from the Gulf of California and the population from the Pacific. The results generated by both analyses support the inclusion of these species within the subgenus Chione proposed by Keen (1971).
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Cómo citar
Licona-Chavez, A., Correa-Sandoval, F., De la Rosa-Velez, J., & Camarena-Rosales, F. (2007). Genetic and morphometric analysis of Chione californiensis and C. subimbricata (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from the Mexican East Pacific and Gulf of California. Ciencias Marinas, 33(2), 149–171.
Artículo de investigación
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