Approximation to the classification and morphodynamic behaviour of the beaches between Chipiona and Rota (Cadiz, SW Spain)
Contenido principal del artículo
Se llevó a cabo el seguimiento morfológico mensual del litoral entre Chipiona y Rota (SO de España), desde marzo de 1996 hasta mayo de 1998, y se clasificaron las playas según los parámetros morfodinámicos clásicos. El Parámetro de Dean y el de Escala de Rompiente evidenciaron estados "intermedios" caracterizados por roturas en derrame y en voluta, según los valores del ÿndice de Similaridad de Surf. Además, se utilizaron el Parámetro Adimensional de Caída de Grano y el Rango Mareal Relativo para clasificar las playas según la clasificación de Masselink y Short (1993). La gran mayoría de las playas corresponden al estado "intermedio" y, en segundo lugar, al "disipativo", confirmando los valores obtenidos mediante los otros parámetros geomorfológicos y las observaciones de campo.
A beach monitoring program was carried out for the littoral between Chipiona and Rota (Cádiz, SW Spain) from March 1996 to May 1998. The beaches were classified following classic morphodynamic parameters. The Dean number and the surf scaling parameter reflected intermediate beach states characterized by spilling and plunging breakers, according to the surf similarity index values. Furthermore, the Dean number and the relative tidal range were used to classify the beaches following the classification proposed by Masselink and Short (1993). Most of the beaches surveyed belonged to the intermediate and, secondarily, to the dissipative state, confirming the values obtained from the previous parameters and field observations.
A beach monitoring program was carried out for the littoral between Chipiona and Rota (Cádiz, SW Spain) from March 1996 to May 1998. The beaches were classified following classic morphodynamic parameters. The Dean number and the surf scaling parameter reflected intermediate beach states characterized by spilling and plunging breakers, according to the surf similarity index values. Furthermore, the Dean number and the relative tidal range were used to classify the beaches following the classification proposed by Masselink and Short (1993). Most of the beaches surveyed belonged to the intermediate and, secondarily, to the dissipative state, confirming the values obtained from the previous parameters and field observations.
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Cómo citar
Anfuso, G., & Benavente, J. (2006). Approximation to the classification and morphodynamic behaviour of the beaches between Chipiona and Rota (Cadiz, SW Spain). Ciencias Marinas, 32(4), 605–616.
Artículo de investigación
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