Gillnet selectivity for the spotted rose snapper (Lutjanus guttatus) and the amarillo snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris) in Navidad Bay, Jalisco, Mexico
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Gillnet selectivity for Lutjanus guttatus and L. argentiventris in Navidad Bay, Jalisco (Mexico), was estimated using monthly samples. Gillnets of 7.62- and 8.89-cm mesh size were used for the experimental design; 475 organisms of L. guttatus and 134 organisms of L. argentiventris were caught. The results show that the organisms caught with the 8.89-cm mesh were on average 4 cm larger and 100 g heavier than those caught with the 7.62-cm mesh. For L. guttatus, the optimum length (100% retention probability) was 29.1 cm for the 7.62-cm mesh and 33.9 cm for the 8.89-cm mesh; for L. argentiventris, the optimum length for the 7.62-cm mesh was 28.9 cm and for the 8.89-cm mesh, 33.7 cm. In both cases the catch mode corresponds to the calculated optimum length. The gillnet of 7.62-cm mesh caught the largest abundance in terms of number of individuals and biomass; however, the 8.89-cm mesh assures the catch of organisms that have reached first maturity length.
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