Escape vents in traps for the fishery of the California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, in Baja California Sur, Mexico
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In order to determine the effect of escape vents in traps used in the California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, fishery along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico), comparative fishing operations were conducted with normal traps and traps modified with escape vents. It was found that carapace height is directly related to trap selectivity. The results show the effectiveness of the vents in allowing sublegal lobsters to escape and in enhancing the catch rate of lobsters with carapace lengths greater than 82.5 mm (minimum legal size). However, the decrease in the number of sublegal lobsters in the modified traps is not as great as expected, since they constitute from 82.6 to 91.6% of the catch, depending on the type of vent and fishing area. This indicates the need to conduct new studies to determine the best type of vent.
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