Published: 2017-12-22

Phytoplankton biomass and production off the Baja California Peninsula: 1997–2016

Martín E De La Cruz-Orozco, Eliana Gómez-Ocampo, Luis E Miranda-Bojórquez, Jushiro Cepeda-Morales, Reginaldo Durazo, Bertha E Lavaniegos, Teresa L Espinosa-Carreón, Ramón Sosa-Ávalos, Elsa Aguirre-Hernández, Gilberto Gaxiola-Castro


Temporal and spatial distribution of transparent exopolymer particles off the northern coast of Baja California, Mexico

Cristian Hakspiel-Segura, Ramón Cajal-Medrano, Helmut Maske-Rubach, Josué Villegas-Mendoza


Vertical fluxes of coccolithophores and foraminifera and their contributions to CaCO3 flux off the coast of Ensenada, Mexico

Felipe García-Romero, Mara Y Cortés, Heriberto Rochín-Bañaga, Jörg Bollmann, Fernando Aguirre-Bahena, Rubén Lara-Lara, Juan C Herguera
